• A Better Understanding in the Academic Writing Process 05 August 2019

    My name is Halkano Molu Guracha  a Kenyan researcher in the Malaria Programme  at the Institute of Primate Research.  The training offered by the Training Centre in Communication was relevant and very helpful and the expectations I had before the training were met and exceeded. I was captivated by the  Introduction Materials Results Acknowledgements and Discussion (IMRaD)structure  in producing academic […]

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  • MY TCC EXPERIENCE- Dr Minnie Kibore 01 August 2019

    Celebrating a former  Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) 2008 Trainee, Dr Minnie Kibore a Pediatric and Public Health Specialist. She was one of the Technical Leads in setting up the first human milk bank in East Africa. The launch of the first human milk bank in East and Central Africa was the culmination of 3 years […]

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  • Fake Co-Authors: A New Publishing Problem 27 June 2019

    Recently I walked past my colleague’s office and noticed he was laughing. I asked him what was so funny.“I am reading about an authorship story of ‘Stronzo Bestiale’,” he chuckled. “Apparently, a US physicist (William Hoover) was struggling to publish his research in the 1980s. He overheard two Italian women refer to someone as ‘Stronzo […]

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  • How to Assess the Quality of Journals

    Authors wishing to publish their research aim to publish in journals with the highest ratings. Publishing in a prestigious journal not only looks good on your CV, but may also give you better career and funding opportunities. Researchers commonly use the journal impact factor (JIF) to assess overall journal quality. However, the JIF has its […]

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  • Top 4 Tools to Create Scientific Images and Figures

    A good image or figure can go a long way in effectively communicating your results and explaining them through your manuscript. Fortunately, we have several tools that can help us effectively prepare or improvise them. Here we give you a summary of the top tools that can be used to create images and figures for […]

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  • 9 Practical Tips to Be A Better Academic Writer

    Many graduate students are often concerned that academic writing is too difficult. This concern, however, can be eased. There are many tips a student can learn in order to become a better academic writer. This includes understanding how the writing process can help develop the necessary writing skills needed for academic and professional careers.

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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401
+254 733 792316

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