A Better Understanding in the Academic Writing Process

05 August 2019 Categories: latest news, News

My name is Halkano Molu Guracha  a Kenyan researcher in the Malaria Programme  at the Institute of Primate Research.  The training offered by the Training Centre in Communication was relevant and very helpful and the expectations I had before the training were met and exceeded. I was captivated by the  Introduction Materials Results Acknowledgements and Discussion (IMRaD)structure  in producing academic manuscripts . This  was new to me, and I intend to use  this knowledge in changing the quality of my  future  scientific papers.
The  workshop is very informative and eye-opening and the delivery and breakdown of hard concepts was superb and the approach was very sound and tailor-made to the dynamics we face in research as  early career  scientists .
In line with the new knowledge I have acquired, I intend to approach my abstract  and  academic  paper differently and pay close attention to the manuscript guidelines outlined and utilize the IMRaD structure process’s to produce a paper that is meaningful.
I would recommend the Scientific Writing workshop to my colleagues without any objection as it was indeed of high quality and very relevant. 



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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


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