• Plan S and Transformative Agreements: Everything You Need to Know 27 June 2019

    Plan S is an exciting development for the research community. So what exactly is Plan S? The key goal of Plan S is that, by 2020, publications from research funded by public grants must be published in open access journals or platforms.  Plan S also has ten principles. These cover factors such as copyright, funding […]

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  • Top 5 Tips to Avoid Journal Rejection

    Journal rejection is something that every researcher faces at some point in their research career. As a researcher, rejection of your manuscript by a journal can be very discouraging after spending years planning your research, securing funding, compiling and analyzing data, etc. In this episode of Enago Academy’s podcast, we will share 5 top tips that will […]

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  • 10 Tips to Draft a Brief Communication

    Important research findings with ground-breaking results need to be published at the earliest. These findings are usually a part of the entire research but are often published as short or brief communications. Brief communications usually have a strict length, word count, and figure limits. Here, we provide essential tips when drafting brief communications. Are you […]

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  • Researchers should take the TCC Science Communication Course to effectively communicate Research findings 15 May 2019

    “There is no reason why we should do research, get findings on socio-political and economic issues and fail to disseminate that information to the society.” Hesbon Hansen Owilla, a lecturer and a DAAD PhD Scholar.

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  • Communicating Science: The Game is Changing

    Science carries an anachronistic burden: a dull and under-developed communication culture. This is a general problem as science needs to be communicated widely and effectively to help solving the challenges of the future. Olle Bergman, engineer-come-communicator, suggests an more progressive mindset, based on “the two Ps”: • Inject more Passion • Learn from the Professionals. […]

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  • 8 top tips to help you turn your PhD thesis into an article

    Many first-time authors use the research conducted as part of their PhD or even Master’s thesis as a basis for a journal article. While that’s a logical step, the requirements for a thesis differ from those of a paper in a peer reviewed academic journal in very significant ways. Ensuring that you are familiar with […]

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