Q&A with DAAD Fellow Patrick Nitegeka : My TCC Training Experience

03 October 2019 Categories: latest news, News

What is your field of research?
I am  taking part in a postgraduate course in   Research and Public policy.

How effective was the course in achieving your learning objectives?
I  am more aware of  the scientific writing and publishing process and this has empowered me to be more confident in writing and publishing my manuscripts.   
What did you like most about the training?
The facilitators are experienced and they know well how to effectively deliver  the training. The methodology used  for the  training was  effective in conducting an  adult centric   workshop  with a  focus on  academic publishing to dissemination of  research outputs.    
Outline 3 things that you will take with you/have learnt in this session
1. Brainstorming, using the Problem Tree
2. Basic knowledge for data analysis using R
3. Effective use of  Open Access E-resources for  improved research discovery process
4. How to effectively  use   reference management  softwares in  citing  my work.
5. Coming up with an effective  journal selection strategy in identify   where to publishing my manuscripts
6. How to draft the annotated structure for an article to be published, in accordance with the requirement of a given journal    
How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training?
My hope is to start publishing cause now I know how to organize my article and I know where I can look for a journal to submit my manuscript. Moreover, I am aware that publishing is not easy but, it is possible.


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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


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