• Normalization of Preprints 14 March 2022

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  • My TCC Experience: TCC Africa Co – Founding Director Prof. Gabor Lovei 02 February 2022

    From a terrestrial ecologist to supporting scientists in their research lifecycle through scientific communication Prof  Gabor Lovei is a terrestrial  ecologist with interests in invasion biology, environmental biosafety, agrocology, conservation biology, biodiversity, and ornithology. Over the past 35 years he has studied  invertebrate and vertebrate ecology in Europe, East Africa, New Zealand, and China, and […]

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  • My TCC-Africa Experience – Ms. Dorine Odongo 18 January 2022

    From an agricultural researcher to the Head of Communications at the AWARD programme Ms Dorine Odongo is the Head of Communications at African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) and a former 2012 TCC Africa  trainee. Dorine’s interests are in leveraging the power of evidence to drive social change and inclusive growth. A development […]

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  • To what degree did African researchers adopt Open Access in 2021? 06 January 2022

    Happy New Year!  African researchers produced over 155, 607 publications and 52.5% of the output was #OpenAccess A #thread #openscience . Data courtesy of @DSDimensions  Go here  to find out.

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  • A Year Focused on African Research Discoverability and Partnerships 21 December 2021

    2021 has been an  exciting year for  TCC Africa and  these are some of the highlights of our activities. We have officially supported  over  10,000  researchers and  in a bid  to continue  supporting  the discoverability and  visibility of  African researchers , we got into a strategic partnership with  AfricArxiv , Africa’s only preprint repository and we have an ongoing  exciting collaboration with PLOS with the objective of co-creating pathways  to Open Research that work for  African […]

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  • A New Peer Review Programme Created With the Aim of Supporting Early Career African Researchers 07 December 2021

    eLife and PREreview are working with AfricArXiv, Eider Africa and the Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) on a new peer-review training programme for early to mid-career researchers in Africa. The course aims to raise awareness around preprints and foster the participation of African researchers in peer review, especially the open review of preprints.

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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401
+254 733 792316

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