From Data Analysis to Communicating Science

15 November 2019 Categories: latest news, News

7 years ago  Samuel Ng’ang’a, came for  our training in  Scientific Communication and Publishing and  came back this  year for research capacity  support on how to communicate to non- scientists 

In 2012  you came for the  Scientific Communication and Publishing , what was the most helpful unit from that course that you  are using in your research career.

I was first introduced  to Graphical methods and using R-Software for data presentation when I was doing my undergraduate studies at School of Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi which is useful in my area of specialization.

One of the benefits gained from participating TCC Course in Scientific Communication and Publishing was its role towards my professional growth by increasing confidence in my career, ability to express my opinions and increase my network. It has also contributed positively towards how I interact with my peers while at school and workplace.

Share with us what you do at  The Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA)-ILRI Hub  and what does it involve?

Between 2015-2016 I underwent intensive one-year training at Diversity Array Technologies, Canberra Australia where I acquired Genotyping by sequencing DArTseq technical skills for molecular breeding applications in agricultural research and development with support from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Together with my colleagues we have set up Integrated genotyping service and support (IGSS) unit at BecA-ILRI in partnership with Diversity Arrays Technology in Australia. The platform provides genotyping (genome sequencing-based genetic profiling), associated bioinformatics data management, analysis, and decision support services to crop and livestock improvement programs.      

As a trained laboratory technician in DArTseq Genotyping my main roles involves; samples collection, DNA extraction and quality control, generation of DArTseq DNA libraries and performing sequencing services using Next Generation sequencer; HIseq2500. I also support in generation of downstream marker data analysis and reports for different breeding programs.

Who are the stakeholders/partners who are beneficiaries of your activities?

The platform at the (BecA ILRI) Hub in Nairobi, Kenya is jointly operated with a private genotyping and information technology company, Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd (DArT), Canberra, Australia.

The platform is open to any individual (farmers/breeders, regional research organization, universities, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) i.e seed companies, International research centers with focus on crop and livestock improvement programs .

Why did you choose to come for the Science Communication Course and how is it beneficial to your career

To be able to effectively reach out and communicate about IGSS to general public thus help improve yields of Africa’s Smallholder farmers involved in livestock keeping and food production.

How do you intend to implement what you have learned in this week’s course in your career.

This course has enlightened me on how to present research information and the work I am involved  in a brief yet effective manner. I intend to share more with public on what the IGSS platform is offering particularly work with the media in creating more awareness about the services that we are providing to farmers across Sub-Saharan Africa .



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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


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+254 020 808 6820
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