Hope Mworia: My Experience on Scientific Writing by TCC

31 January 2019 Categories: News

My name is Hope Mworia and am a postgraduate student pursuing a Masters degree In Agriculture and Applied Economics at the University of Nairobi, College of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences.

I have enjoyed today’s workshop on Scientific Writing. It was informative and eye opening. There were a lot of things I got a clear understanding on
as well. The content delivered was extremely helpful and detailed. I do look forward to apply the skills I have acquired in my postgraduate studies. In addition to improving my skills, I have also gained immense knowledge in the importance of editing my written work especially grammer and referencing before submitting it to a journal for publishing. Moreover, I learned that I should be conscience of my audience while writing and use the appropriate language. Lastly, I was enlightened on how to select a journal and the importance of reading and adhering to the specific guidelines in the different jounals.

Going forward I will employ three things in my writing. Firstly, to write the first draft in the simplest manner and then edit the work afterwards. Secondly, to watch out for predatory journals with the help of the school’s librarian and referring to the Beale’s list. Lastly, to read out loud my work while editing.

In a nutshell, I appreciate the Training Centre in Communication for preparing such an intensive and beneficial workshop.


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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
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