Why I Needed to be Mentored by the TCC-AFRICA Team in Data Analysis

02 September 2019 Categories: Featured, latest news, News

‘I wish to be mentored in improving my skills in   Data Analysis   and I am willing to come for  every training in the  TCC calendar so I may be  mentored by your trainers.’ Four ago months, we   got a message in our inbox on a  request  from Kevin  Oduor Onyango. 


As he was conducting his research, he came across our activities  and  noted  how we  would be able to support him in improving  how to analyse  and present data.  Kevin is a  former student  from Technical University of Mombasa, where  he studied Bachelor of Commerce (Finance Option) and simultaneous   took a professional Certified Public Accountant  course  and reached level 5.  Kevin, lives  about 450 kilometers from  Nairobi, where the TCC  Office is located. 

Kevin came from a humble background  and  quickly learned that he  had  to  be ingenious in raising money for his school fees . He  did this  through training  his  fellow classmates on  how to analyse as  data as they worked  on their  research proposals. As he  wants to get into a career in market research, he felt that in order to improve his chances as a researcher, he needed to be mentored  so that he may improve his skills in data analysis.
“TCC-AFRICA  gives  me  an opportunity to understand  new  ways of analysis, presenting and managing data,” he says.

Kevin has  been assigned  to Dr George Otieno  Ongamo  https://www.tcc-africa.org/trainer/dr-george-ongamo/ 
http://www.tcc-africa.org/trainer/harrison-weda/  who has published a number of papers  and has  an H Index of 14 and over the years of his research career he has been cited over 700 times https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=teiHWtYAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate .

From his mentorship, Kevin hopes to apply his experience in data analysis in the forecasting of financial statements for developing business plans and market research .


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