Dr. Robert Rono

Robert Rono is the Head and founder member of the team that established and grew the Research and Sponsored Projects Office (RSPO) within Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) and Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS).  He has post graduate training in Research Administration and Finance and he is also a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Public Secretary (Kenya). As the Head of RSPO, he has overall oversight of the financial and administrative management of grants, contracts and donations awarded to MTRH and MUCHS including pre-award phase of proposal development, award, post-award and close-out of projects. RSPO is currently managing more than 140 grants with an annual budget of more than $ 30 million funded by various donors/funders such as the National Institute of Health, United States Agency for International Development, Center for Disease Control, Grand Challenges Canada, Gates Foundation, Abbvie Foundation, Astrazeneca, EDCTP among other donors. He has over 10 years extensive experience in Research Administration and he was also a Co-PI for the NICHD IAERDA award (2009) to Moi University.

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