Proposal writing and grant management Oral Communication and How to design effective scientific posters, 4 day course

The mind of a donor
The research proposal:
The grants proposal
The proposal and funding process
Typical structure of a proposal
Stages of developing a proposal
Usual pitfalls when writing a proposal
What to write under the following sections : Title , Summary , Significance statement , Objectives and hypotheses, Methods , Expected results , Budget
How to write a proposal
Criteria for reviewing a research proposal : Significance , Approach, Innovation, Investigator, Work conditions
Revising the research proposal
Managing a research grant

Preparation and planning, steps in developing a talk
Medium/Tools for giving a talk
Theory and practice of poster design
Introduction to communicating to Non Scientists
Use of Web 2.0 tools to disseminate research
How to design posters for national and international conferences
How to participate in conferences & networking


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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401
+254 733 792316

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