Stephen Wanyingo

Stephen Wanyingo is a researcher specializing in qualitative research and scientific communication. He has had a rewarding career in Market Research in Supervision, Coordination of research surveys, group facilitation, recruitment of research assistants, focus group moderation, training of research assistants, sampling, field management, transcription, translation, in-depth interviews, telephone interviews, data collection, editing and report writing.

Stephen is a writer and trainer in scientific communication with broad knowledge on writing styles namely; MLA, APA, Harvard and Chicago. He also trains on how to avoid plagiarism in writing, best search engines for articles and books references and how to obtain and manage online freelance writing accounts. Plagiarism if evaded in writing can promoted writers, but if overlooked can jail writers and that explains his key emphasis on plagiarism. He is the current quality manager at Alco East Africa, task with the core obligation of ensuring that quality is adhered to in writing.

Stephen has actively participated in coordinating and supervising multiple research surveys majorly in Kenya. Well acquainted in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies of research. He has conducted numerous research projects in a number of fields including social, political, economic, marketing and cultural. These studies have topical themes in democracy, evaluation and impact assessment, conflict analysis and management, value chain analysis, usage & employee satisfaction survey, opinion polling among others. He believes that research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought. One of his recent papers is entitled Human Resource as a Major Pillar in Quality Management Practices: the Case of Market research Firms in Kenya. Market Research firms provide information to public, private, government and academic sectors for in-depth knowledge of decision making, thus certainly there was a need to evaluate the capabilities of data collectors (enumerators) due to their chief role of gathering raw data (mother of research) for analysis. The paper proposes a myriad of benefits for quality research and swift growth if fully embraced by market research firms in Kenya. Stephen is currently offering his knowledge and experience as a field supervisor and moderator on freelance basis in various market research firms in Kenya namely; Milba Brands research, Consumer options, Sab-Sahara research and Infotrak Research.

He is very sanguine that his research background as writer and reviewer will provide him with the essential tools vital for his task as a trainer in scientific communication and publishing at Training Centre in Communication (TCC-Africa). He is entirely obliged by joining the dynamic TCC-Africa team as a trainer in Scientific Communication and Publishing.

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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


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